About Us

My brother Rafael Antonio Calatayud Garcés

He disappeared in Tenerife on September 2, 1991 when he was with a person named Agustin Tomas Quiles, but little else do we know, except that Agustin lied several times, including in his statement.

We could get to know the whole truth of what happened to him, but a prosecutor, a judge and some magistrates have not made it very difficult if not impossible .

We owe it all to the poor investigation of the Civil Guard, apparently led by then Sergeant Moreno. To the excessive expansion of the proceedings of the Court of First Instance and Instruction of Court Number 3 of Granadilla de Abona in Tenerife. The first time Agustín declared before the Court, the main suspect in the disappearance, more than 3 years had passed.

The report of the prosecutor María Teresa Vicente Calvo (incomprehensible) and the judge’s order, as well as the support of the magistrates of the Audience of Tenerife to these errors, prevent us from knowing what happened to my brother. Sometimes I wonder if they got to see the evidence.

My father José Calatayud García.

His life has certainly not been a path of roses, rather unfair. As an exceptional person, you cannot be a better husband, father and friend.

 I have loved him and will always want him, I was proud of him. I didn’t really know what I came to love, until June 25 , the first time I was about to lose it.

Despite how bad life has treated  him, I never heard him complain, it was really hard to see him angry. I always had good advice for a bad time.

 He was 56 days sick at the Doctor Peset hospital in Valencia , during those days he showed an enviable fortitude. Until Saturday, August 15, 2009, my father maintained his illusion of leaving the hospital alive and going to his hometown Camporrobles with his family. He suffered and endured in the hospital until the last day without complaining. He encouraged us and fought to live while he was conscious. At 05:00 hours on August 19, 2009, he died in the ICU of the Doctor Peset hospital.

One of the things that surprised me is the feeling of many people who had known him well, the truth is that he didn’t know that there were so many people who wanted him. He was a good man.